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»Interesting facts meet interesting ideas«
»Interesting facts meet
interesting ideas«

Opening of our new customer centre

We are pleased to announce the official opening of our newly built and modern customer centre ‘das Technikum’. The opening took place as part of the ACADEMY Passive Netztechnik, to which our subsidiary Hauff-Technik GRIDCOM had invited.
Among the guests was Dr Jörn Grossmann, member of …

Hauff-Technik INDIA officially opened!

Hauff-Technik INDIA was opened in a festive ceremony on 20 February 2025 in Hyderabad. The opening marks a significant step in the company's expansion in the Indian market.

‘We are excited to gain a foothold in India and offer our customers here high-quality products and services,’ …

Hauff-Technik acquires Electro Trading and expands its international footprint

With the acquisition of the Swedish company Electro Trading ET AB on 1 January 2025, Hauff-Technik GmbH & Co. KG is strengthening its international portfolio.

As an importer and distributor of products for power grids and distribution, renewable energies, construction and infrastructure, …

Hauff-Technik starts its anniversary year

2025 will be a year of anniversaries at Hauff-Technik. The company is reflecting on its 70-year history. As one of Europe's leading manufacturers of sealing systems for cables, pipes and house entries, the efficient solution builder is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. …
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